Saturday, August 4, 2007

A First

A strange thing happened to me today.

Maddi and I were waiting in a line of traffic for the light to change, when we looked a few cars ahead of us. A little kid was hanging out of his F-350 staring and waving at me. I was like,"um....hey....". Then he starts doing the thing with your arm where you get truckers to honk their horn. There was a semi in front of me, so I thought he was telling him to do it. Nope, I was wrong.

So i gave him a little honk....

He was like,"YES!", and ducked back in the truck.

That has never happened to me before.

Side note: I went to one of those Japanese places where they cook your food right in front of you. My cook was the funniest cook in the entire world. He kept giggling to himself and saying, "...oh.....I'M DRUNK!". He probably was.

Tonight, I'm going to a pro soccer game. For those of you who know me, soccer just about defines my life at this moment. Maybe not a good thing, but I'm being honest. I'm so excited!! Go Silverbacks!!

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