Friday, July 6, 2007

Midnight Cramps

I woke up in the middle of the night last night. It's quite a regular thing for me, so I wasn't "shocked". My "midnight wake-up" was going splendid when I saw on my clock that I still had three more hours to sleep before I had to wake up and go to work. I did the normal stretch where you straighten your legs out really tight.

Well, I must suck at this simple exercise, because I continued the strething while trying to curl up in a ball. How I thought I was going to do this I had no idea.

All of a sudden, every single muscle in my lower body cramped and strained and pulled in ways God didn't intend for them to do.

If I was to be completely honest, this happens to me all the time. I'm not sure why I don't get the message that you can't curl up and stretch at the same time.

Give me a was 3 in the morning.

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