Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Weekend of Jam

No, not the fruity spread you put on bread.

The kind when you rock out at concerts. That kind of jam.

OK, so that was a stupid way to start off a blog.....

Well, on Friday night I headed down to the New Daisy to see The Format. Three other bands opened up for them. 2 of them weren't that good, but Steel Train was absolutely unbelievable!!!

Today, I headed down to Autozone Park. We only saw a few minutes of the Redbirds game, but only because of the post game concert: Hawk Nelson.

If you don't believe Hawk Nelson is one of the greatest bands, then shuuunnnn the non believer.

We were so close at Hawk Nelson, Ashlin high fived the lead singer.....while he was on stage playing!

On a different note, my Mom was in a car wreck in Nashville on her way to her hotel from the airport. The taxi van she was in is basically totaled. She is fine, just really beat up. I hope she is feeling better now!!

Well, time to head to bed. Gotta watch the children tomorrow.

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